Singing Guide: Daniel Caesar feat. Kali Uchis

Singing Guide: Daniel Caesar feat. Kali Uchis

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Daniel Caesar feat. Kali Uchis

If you’re a fan of R&B music, you must have heard the soulful songs of Daniel Caesar featuring Kali Uchis. This dynamic duo has a distinct sound, and if you want to learn how to sing like them, you need to incorporate their unique style and techniques into your performance.

Learn to use your breath correctly

Daniel Caesar and Kali Uchis use their breath effectively while singing. They hold each note elegantly and often end their phrases in a soft and controlled manner. The correct use of breath is the foundation of any good singer, so mastering it is the first step towards singing like them.

Master your vibrato

Another hallmark of Daniel Caesar and Kali Uchis’ singing style is their use of vibrato. Vibrato is a gentle and regular fluctuation in pitch. You can learn and refine your vibrato with Singing Carrots’ “Singing with Vibrato” tutorial. (source)

Learn their songs

To begin to sing like them, you’ll need to learn the lyrics and melodies of Daniel Caesar and Kali Uchis' songs. Some of their notable tracks include “Get You” and “After The Storm”. As you learn these, pay attention to their use of dynamics and how they use their voice to convey the emotions of the song.

Use appropriate voice registers

Daniel Caesar’s voice is smooth and gentle, while Kali Uchis’ voice has a slightly raspy sound. You must learn to use these registers to sing like them. Start by using Singing Carrots’ “Voice Registers and Vocal Break” resource to learn more about voice registers. (source)

Using their unique vocal techniques to learn to sing like Daniel Caesar and Kali Uchis will take time and practice, but with the right guidance, you will be able to unlock your true potential. Singing Carrots offers a range of resources, including courses and exercises, to help you learn to sing like your favorite artists. (source)

So, take your time to master these techniques, find your unique singing style, and soon, the world will be listening to you just like they do to Daniel Caesar and Kali Uchis.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.